Geoff's Teddy (Synchronous Seductions)

I'm so pleased I did, too. This was just the book to clear the clouds from a not-so-great week. There's no high drama here, no drawn out angst, no chase scenes or battles or mystery to be solved. It's simply a sweet story about two men who discover each other and discover they're really good together.
Gay for you? Nah. Fuzzy is clearly bi, though he hasn't acted on half of the equation previously due to social pressures and his own misguided belief that he needs to be a "ladies' man." But when you're bi, it's about meeting the right person, not about the person's gender, and he's known for a long time that his relationships are empty, hollow farces.
Geoff changes this - with patience, humor and understanding. They so obviously click from nearly the first moment, that we the readers know that they'll work things out, but it's still fun to watch. Fuzzy's gruff and no-nonsense, but he has a tender, vulnerable side, while Geoff is more outwardly sensitive but has a solid, stable core to him that Fuzzy can lean on.
Sweet and funny, this is a story to go to when you feel down. You can't help but smile. (And, Havan, don't think you slipped the Simon past me. Nope. I'll just be Simon's middle name is Dave...)